Amity Taekwon-Do students and HSTS squad members travelled down to the University of Worcester early in the morning on Sunday 22nd September for the British Taekwon-Do Council (National governing body for Taekwon-Do in the UK) Championships. It proved to be a very large tournament with over 750 competitors from various Taekwon-Do groups around Britain.

There were fantastic results from the 3 Amity Students:

  • Ben Williams: Silver Boys Team Black Belt Sparring Lightweight
  • Zac Williams: Bronze Cadets Black Belt 2nd Degree Patterns
  • Leighton Callahan: Gold Boys Team Black Belt Patterns, Silver Boys Team Black Belt Sparring Heavyweight, Bronze Cadet Black Belt Sparring Lightweight

Instructor Elliott Callahan also picked up 2 silvers in Adult 3rd degree patterns and Adult Black Belt Flyweight Sparring

A fantastic day for all UTA and UK ITF Competitors, they all represented brilliantly.

The next big tournament for Amity Students will be the National Championships in October in Hatfield.