Amity Taekwon-Do and HSTS Squad Members Zac and Leighton competed in an online patterns tournament which was live-streamed on Sunday 3rd May. The tournament, hosted by Argentina, has over 500 competitors from 10 different countries. Each competitor uploaded a video of their choice pattern for their grade and were placed against another competitor using the traditional knockout tournament system. The patterns were then judged by a group of Umpires against the 3 criteria for patterns scoring: power, technique and rhythm with a maximum of 5 points being awarded for each of these scoring elements.

Advancing through the rounds of the Junior Boys 2nd Degree category, both Leighton and Zac reached the semi-finals before bowing out of the competition, which could mean a bronze medal for each of them. Zac performed a very strong Ko-Dang Tul whilst Leighton completed an equally impressive Choong-Jang Tul. Congratulations to these two and the rest of the the competitors who competed in the first categories to be streamed.

Amity Taekwon-Do still has Ben to compete in the Junior Boys 1st Degree category, so keep an eye out for more news on his competition venture.