CLOSE STANCE Weight Distribution – 50:50 Leading Leg – Neither. Stand with feet together | MOA SOGI |
PARALLEL STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Neither. Feet parallel 1 shoulder width apart. | NARANI SOGI |
SITTING STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Neither. Feet parallel 1 &1/2 shoulder widths apart. | ANNUN SOGI |
REAR FOOT STANCE Weight Distribution - 90:10 (90% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear leg. Front foot points 25° inward Rear foot points 15° inwards 1 shoulder width. | DWIT BAL SOGI |
VERTICAL STANCE Weight Distribution - 60:40 (60% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear leg. Toes of both feet point 15° inward. 1 shoulder width. | SOOJIK SOGI |
L STANCE Weight Distribution - 70:30 (70% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear leg. Toes of both feet point 15° inward 1 & 1/2 shoulder widths. | NIUNJA SOGI |
FIXED STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front leg. Toes of both feet point 15° inward 1 & 1/2 shoulder widths. | GOJUNG SOGI |
WALKING STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front leg Front foot points forward Rear foot points 25° outward | GUNNUN SOGI |
LOW STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front leg. Similar to Gunnun Sogi (Walking Stance), but longer by one foot | NACHUO SOGI |
DIAGNAL STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Same width as sitting stance but one foot toes inline with the other foot heel.(foot in front lead leg) | SASON SOGI
CROUCHED STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Same as diagonal stance but with both knees bending inwards | OGURYO SOGI |
X-STANCE Weight Distribution - Almost all the weight on the balancing leg Leading Leg - The leg carrying the weight | KYOCHA SOGI |
BENDING STANCE Weight Distribution - 100:0 Leading Leg - The leg carrying the weight | GOBURYO SOGI |
INNER OPEN STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Same width as parallel stance but toes pointing slightly inwards | AN PALJA SOGI |
OUTER OPEN STANCE Weight Distribution - 50:50 Same width as parallel stance but toes pointing outwards about 45 degrees. | BAKAT PALJA SOGI |