Students at Amity Taekwon-Do spent a lesson reviewing stances and their lengths and widths for Walking Stance, L-Stance, Fixed Stance and Rear Foot Stance. In addition we measured each stance to ensure that they were performed correctly and compared the measured version, to our natural version. We did this by closing our eyes and performing the stance as we felt most comfortable. Interestingly, a few students were similar in being approximately 1 toe longer than the measurement. As explained in class, it’s only a guide but gives an idea how long the stance should be.
Obviously correct distances applied to stances, has a bearing on patterns performance and getting it right, helps returning the start spot.
Rear Foot Stance
It is one (1) shoulder width long, measured from the small toes of the rear foot to the small toes of the front foot. The weight is distributed mostly on the rear foot. The rear leg is bent so that the knee-cap is over the toes of the rear foot and the rear foot is point in about 15 degrees.
Walking Stance
Walking Stance. A Walking Stance (also called ap sego or gunnun seogi) is like the stance one normally uses while walking. Feet should be shoulder width apart. The leading foot should be one to one-and-a-half shoulder-widths forward of the rear foot.
Your feet should be 1 ½ shoulder widths apart, measured from the toes of the front foot to the outside of the rear foot. Both feet should be turned inward 15 degrees and your heels should be offset by 2.5 cm (1 inch). That means that if you put a 1-inch-wide piece of tape on the floor that’s at least as long as your stance, your right heel should touch one side of the tape and your left heel should touch the other side.
Very good session thank you