Great competition at LBTKD on Saturday. 3 golds and 5 silvers from our 3 competitors. All 3 performed brilliantly and are in a good place in their training for the upcoming Nationals on Saturday 12th October, where the 3 will be competing against the best Taekwon-Do talent in the UK for the prize of National Champion and a place in the rankings for the UK Finals Night next year.

Results –

Zac Williams: Gold Patterns. Silver Sparring, Silver Special Technique

Ben Williams: Gold Patterns, Silver sparring, Silver Special Technique

Leighton Callahan: Gold Sparring, Silver Patterns

Well done these 3 Amity Taekwon-Do students and also a huge thank you to all the UTA Umpires and Mr Mike Owen 6th Degree for a fantastically run competition.